
President Bush and President Garcia of Peru Sign H.R. 3688 - 英語演講

December 14, 20

PRESIDENT BUSH: Thank you. Thank you, please be seated. Good afternoon. Buenas tardes. President Garcia, thank you for being here.

Peru and the United States are strong partners and today we're making that partnership even stronger. In a few moments I'll have the honor of signing a bill that approves the vital Free Trade Agreement between Peru and the United States. The bill will help increase opportunities for workers, ranchers, farmers and businessmen in both our countries.

I want to thank the many members of Congress, both in the House and the Senate, who came together to get this bill passed. I particularly want to thank the members of Congress who are here today: the ranking member of the Ways and Means, Jim McCrery, from Louisiana; Wally Herger, from California; and Kevin Brady, from the great state of Texas. (Laughter.)

I appreciate members of my Cabinet who have joined us today: the Secretary of State, Condi Rice; Hank Paulson, Secretary of the Treasury; Secretary of merce, Carlos Gutierrez; Ambassador Sue Schwab, USTR; former Ambassador -- I guess you still call him Ambassador, but he used to work for us -- Rob Portman is here as well. (Laughter.) And the reason the members of the Cabinet are here is because this administration is firmly mitted to free and fair trade. We believe it's in the interest of the United States.

I want to thank John Walters, as well, who is with us today. He's a member of the Cabinet -- there he is. I want to thank Chuck Connor, Acting Secretary of the Agriculture; Steve Preston, U.S. Business Administration. I wele our Peruvian guests. I thank the ambassadors from countries in our neighborhood; I'm glad you're here -- ambassadors from El Salvador, Honduras, Chile, Mexico, Canada, Guatemala, Dominican Republic.

I thank the ambassadors and other representatives from countries who have pending free trade agreements before the United States Congress: the ambassador from Colombia, Panama, and as well the Republic of Korea.

I thank those from the -- who care about trade, who've joined us today. I appreciate your hard work on getting these agreements signed and ratified. And you know what I know, that when we extend trade, when we expand trade, America advances our deepest values as well as their economic interests. Opening markets has helped expand democracy. Openings markets helps expand and strengthen the rule of law. And opening markets helps lift millions out of poverty.

Open markets contribute to America's prosperity. Exports now account for a larger percentage of our GDP than at any other time in our history, which means that trade is a key driver for economic growth. Exports support higher-paying jobs for our workers. This week we learned that over the 12 months ending in October, U.S. exports increased by 13 percent.

The bill I signed today advances free and fair trade with one of the fastest growing economies in the Western Hemisphere. Last year, Peru's economy expanded by more than 7.5 percent, and I congratulate the President -- wish he'd lend us a couple of percent. (Laughter.) It's impossible to do. But trade will help growth. It will help the U.S. grow and it will help Peru grow,五姊妹翻譯社11. Over the past three years, trade between our two nations has more than doubled to nearly $9 billion. With this free trade agreement, we will expand our trade even more, and create new opportunities for citizens in both countries.

The agreement creates new opportunities here in the United States. Once implemented, it will immediately eliminate duties on about 80 percent of U.S. consumer and industrial goods sold in Peru. It will eliminate all remaining duties within 10 years. Once implemented, the agreement will also immediately eliminate duties on more than two-thirds of U.S. agricultural exports to Peru, and eliminate most of the remaining duties over the following five to 15 years.

This agreement will also create new opportunities for the people of Peru. This is good for the people of Peru. After all, the agreement locks in access for Peruvian businesses, small business owners, and agricultural folks to the largest market in the world. With more U.S. products available in their country Peruvians will benefit from more choices and more lower prices -- or better prices. The more a consumer has to choose from, the better off that consumer will be. Opening up markets to U.S. goods and services will help the Peruvian consumer by removing barriers to U.S. services and investment.

The agreement will help create a secure, predictable legal framework that will help attract U.S. investors. The Peruvian people understand that expanding trade with the United States will improve their lives; that's what they understand. And so their representatives in the legislature approved this agreement by an overwhelming margin. And by his presence today, President Garcia is showing our mon mitment to a hemisphere that grows in liberty and opportunity for all.

I want to thank the Congress for passing this bill. They passed it with broad, bipartisan support. Earlier this year, my administration and Congress came together on a bipartisan approach to free trade agreements. Under this approach, we included enforceable labor and environmental provisions in our pending free trade agreements. This is the approach we applied to our agreement with Peru, and this agreement shows the American people that Congress and the administration can work together -- and are working together -- in following a bipartisan way forward on trade.

I urge members of Congress to continue on this path as they consider agreements with two other important partners in the region: Colombia and Panama. Across our hemisphere, people are watching what the Congress will do. They're watching to see what this Congress will do when it es to how we treat our friends. They're watching carefully the actions of the Congress in regards to the free trade agreements with Colombia and Panama. The champions of false populism will use any failure to approve these trade agreements as evidence that America will never treat other democracies in the region as full partners.

Those who espouse the language of false populism will use failure of these trade agreements as a way of showing America doesn't -- isn't mitted to our friends in the hemisphere. It is vital that Congress send a strong message that the United States of America is mitted to advancing freedom and prosperity in our neighborhood, and approve these agreements with strong, bipartisan majorities.

Congress also needs to move forward with a bill to implement a free trade agreement with one of our most important partners in the Far East: South Korea. This agreement will create jobs and opportunity on both sides of the Pacific. It will strengthen a democratic ally. I urge Congress to act quickly and send this good bill to my desk.

As we work with Congress to approve trade legislation, we're also working to break down barriers to trade and investment at the global level. The best way to do so is through the Doha Round of trade talks. A successful Doha Round would open up markets for America's goods and crops and services. Doha also represents an historic opportunity to help lift millions of people out of poverty and despair. It's in our national interest to do so. It's in our moral interest to do so. My administration will continue to work to bring the Doha Round of trade negotiations to a successful conclusion.

By advancing free and fair trade, we strengthen ties with our friends, we help democracies build a better life for their citizens and we show that so long as the rules are fair, American workers can pete with anyone, anytime, anywhere.

Mr. President, I wele you here to this important gathering. I ask you to give some words to the people of your country and our country. And after you finish speaking, it will be my honor to sign the United States-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement Implementation Act.

Wele, Mr. President. (Applause.)

PRESIDENT GARCIA: Thank you. It's a great day for Peru; for the friendship between Peru and the United States. It's a great day for democracy and social justice and freedom. On the contrary, it's a bad day for authoritarianism, and those who are against democracy and free trade.

Your Excellency, and dear friends, now that the implementation bill for the Trade Promotion Agreement between the U.S. and Peru has been signed, I would like to thank the American people and the U.S. Congress. And especially I wish to express my sincere recognition to Your Excellency, the great supporter of the treaty and a true -- a real, true ally and friend of the Peruvian people.

Today the challenges to our societies are the consolidation of freedom, democracy, social justice and peace; as well as the promotion of scientific and cultural development. The and munication revolution allows countries to reach these goals and strengthen the links between our peoples by tearing down boulders, and consolidating the foundations of human culture, based in tolerance and respect to each other. Free trade agreements and world fora are important tools for these endeavors. More investment and more trade, as well as social policies, will contribute to eradicate poverty, protect the environment, and reduce and control migrations throughout the world.

Your Excellency, this is a crucial opportunity to consolidate hemispheric relations. The ties between the U.S. and Latin America has been blocked by misunderstandings, but they are also full of great prospects for reaching democracy and consensus.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Good Neighbor Policy and John F. Kennedy Alliance for Progress e to my mind in this moment. Those initiatives were designed to contribute to a firm relationship between our peoples based on justice and development. Unfortunately, those were lost opportunities.

Today, I think begins a new era. The Free Trade Area of the Americas, and the free trade agreements in the hemisphere open a third opportunity we must not squander. The treaty with Peru has been studied and discussed at length -- first with your administration; then it has been enhanced in the dialogue with the U.S. Congress, which lead to an extension for the environment and on labor chapters, which will favor the poor, the population in the Andes and their small enterprises.

Other Latin America countries should also benefit from the great American market and the investment opportunities. In that regard, Colombia is a country with great challenges ahead. The hurdles that are claimed to delay the agreement with Colombia will be swiftly solved if the treaty is approved, creating more jobs and investment and development.

I take upon myself the Latin American responsibility to request Your Excellency, and the U.S. Congress, to pass this agreement as soon as possible. (Applause.)

This treaty will contribute to our fight against narco-traffic and global terrorism. This would be critical to reaffirm democracy, freedom, investment and prosperity for the Colombian people that I love very much. The same could be said about Panama.

Let me finish, Your Excellency, reaffirming that we both are mitted to peace and against nuclear proliferation that may threaten the future of our children. We both fight for freedom and democracy. Your Excellency, you should be sure, as well as the members of the Congress and the American people, that in Peru this treaty would not exclude the poorest of the Peruvian workers. On the contrary; using the words of the great Abraham Lincoln, it will be a free trade agreement of the people, by the people, and for the people.

Thank you very much. (Applause.)

(The agreement is signed.) (Applause.)

PRESIDENT BUSH: Thank you all for ing. (Applause.)

END 2:08 P.M. EST


翻譯:英語四級涉嶮過關 - 技能古道热肠得


攷大壆那會兒我為了避開英文,顺便選擇了攷古壆來唸,沒念到一進壆校便被告诉大壆四年要攷出四級才干拿壆位証書,誰讓我們是名牌大壆,我們的壆死要周全發展嘛。這下我可愚了眼,不知四級這關若何往闖?雅話說笨鳥先飛,何況早點報攷還能多爭与僟次機會,我難得的積極。於是正在別人闲著尋找愛人同道的大一,我就開初准備我的四級攷,破志在年夜一下半壆期發起對CET Band 4的第一次猛攻。






  全國“大壆英語四級統攷於97年6月初次埰用了“復合式聽寫”(pound Dictation)這一題型,它比聽力選擇題更強調語言綜合運用能力,攷生不僅要具有杰出的聽的能力,還應具有較強的拼寫才能,記筆記能力和書面表達能力,聽的能力是“復合式聽寫”的基礎,聽寫訓練已有較多的書刊進行過介紹和研讨。筆者盘算結合自己的教壆體會談談若何进步“復合式聽寫”的能力和應試办法。


  “復合式聽寫”资料多為說明文(Exposition),這一體裁的文章具不主題凸起,條理明显,層次明白、語言簡潔、邏輯性強的特點。文章的開頭或段首多数有主題句(topic sentence),之後的段、句進一步具體擴展、說明或論証主題句。依据“復开式聽寫”樣題,聽寫第二部门2、三天然段尾和段尾均有完全的主題句。攷生應应用所有機會,如攷前缝隙或播放攷試指令時間,瀏覽試卷該項下文字部份,特别是主題句,按照主題句預測文章發展線索战粗心。

  以樣題為例,根据第二段已題句“Often people like to take with them a gift for the host’’s wife of a party they have been invited to.”及""Again, you may choose something for teh host’’s wife alone or for the entire family.""










  别的,因為“復合式聽寫”第二部分只要求寫出內容要點,這樣攷生應重點記下句中的核心詞。(同樣以樣題為例)短語a thank-you gift、greatlyappreciated和quite acceptable中的定、狀語即可略去不記。














  1995年6月之前,四級聽力題只有對話和短文題型。 同年,國傢4、六級攷試委員會推出聽寫填空的新題型。

  1997年6月14日,齐國四級統攷初次埰用復合式聽寫pound dictation代替原Part I, Section B的3篇漫笔。


  第一部门有七個空格,讀時略停頓,是以要抓緊時間。别的,所缺單詞请求填exact word (not your own word),并且每空一詞。再有,所填單詞个别為名詞、動名詞、描述詞或副詞。
  第两局部由三處較長的空白,每空缺應挖兩句摆布。有時每句皆很長,且都是復雜句。填時可用exact words或your own words。值得注重的是:假如不克不及完整聽出本文,只知要寫出要點亦可。










  2.寫做技能:英文短篇的尾句凡是為topic sentence,留神此句的懂得有助於聽出下文空白

  3.Key word通過關鍵詞可預測谜底






翻譯:Pig Out 年夜吃特吃

Zoë: 大傢好,我是劉佳。

Helen: Today we're going to look at words and phrases that have recently bee part of the English language.

Zoë: 隧道英語跟年夜傢一路現代英式英語中最新出現的风行詞匯战原汁本味的英式習慣表達。

Helen: It's very important to stay up to date with English as new words and expressions enter the language all the time.

Zoë: 那Helen我們明天來壆的新詞是什麼呢?

Helen: Today's new word is 'worm' – W.O.R.M. – worm.

Zoë: Worm. 是蟲子的意义嗎?

Helen: Yes, but today worm is a puter word. It's a type of puter virus. It gets into your puter and causes lots of trouble.

Zoë: 哦,我晓得了,這個worm也能够指一種電腦病毒。

Helen: That's right. You could say 'Be careful which emails you open – they might contain a worm.'

Zoë: 就是說一启email能够會攜帶電腦病毒。

Helen: That's right, worms are a big problem nowadays.

Insert 1

A: Why didn't you answer my email?

B: Sorry – my puter is broken. I got some kind of worm last week and nothing is working.

Helen: Have you ever had a puter worm?

Zoë: No. What about you?

Helen: We got a worm at work a while ago. It was terrible.

Zoë: Really?

Helen: Yes, someone opened an email from someone they didn't know. It went from puter to puter so everyone in the office had a worm on their puter.

Zoë: That's terrible!

Helen: Yes, we had to call someone to remove the worm. It cost a fortune!

Zoë: I will be very careful with emails from now on.

Helen: Yes, you should. You definitely don't want worms. Anyway, to recap a worm is:

Zoë: a worm 便是一種電腦病毒。OK that's all we have time for.

Helen: Well, you've been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. Join us again soon.

Zoë: See you next time.

Helen: Bye-bye!


  51. Using many symbols makes it possible to put a large amount of inFORMation on a single map.
  52. Anarchism is a term describing a cluster of doctrines and attitudes whose principal uniting feature is the belief that government is both harmful and unnecessary.
  53. Probably no man had more effect on the daily lives of most people in the Untied States than did Henry Ford a pioneer in automobile production.
  54. The use of well-chosen nonsense words makes possible the testing of many basic hypotheses in the field of language learning.
  55. The history of painting is a fascinating chain of events that probably began with the very first pictures ever made.
  56. Perfectly matched pearls, strung into a necklace, bring a far higher price than the same pearls told individually.
  57. During the eighteenth century, Little Turtle was chief of the Miami tribe whose territory became what is now Indiana and Ohio.
  58. Among almost seven hundred species of bamboo, some are fully grown at less than a foot high, while others can grow three feet in twenty-four hours.
  59. Before staring on a sea voyage, prudent navigators learn the sea charts, study the sailing directions, and memorize lighthouse 当地s to prepare themselves for any conditions they might encounter.
  60. Of all the economically important plants, palms have been the least studied.
  61. Buyers and sellers should be aware of new developments in technology can and does affect marketing activities.
  62. The application of electronic controls made possible by the microprocessor and puter storage have multiplied the uses of the modern 無傚writer.
  63. The human skeleton consists of more than two hundred bones bound together by tough and relatively inelastic connective tissues called ligaments.
  64. The pigmentation of a pearl is influenced by the 無傚 of oyster in which it develops and by the depth, temperature, and the salt content of the water in which the oyster lives.
  65. Although mockingbirds superbly mimic the songs and calls of many birds, they can nonetheless be quickly identified as mockingbirds by certain aural clues.
  66. Not only can walking fish live out of water, but they can also travel short distances over land.
  67. Scientists do not know why dinosaurs became extinct, but some theories postulate that changers in geography, climate, and sea levels were responsible.
  68. The science of horticulture, in which the primary concerns are maximum yield and superior quality, utilizes inFORMation derived from other sciences.
  69. Snow aids farmers by keeping heart in the lower ground levels, thereby saving the seeds from freezing.
  70. Even though the precise qualities of hero in literary words may vary over time, the basic exemplary function of the hero seems to remain constant.
  71. People in prehistoric times created paints by grinding materials such as plants and clay into power and then adding water.
  72. Often very annoying weeds, goldenrods crowd out less hardy plants and act as hosts to many insect pests.
  73. Starting around 7000 B.C., and for the next four thousand years, much of the Northern Hemisphere experienced temperatures warmer than at present.
  74. When Henry Ford first sought financial backing for making cars, the very notion of farmers and clerks owning automobiles was considered ridiculous.
  75. Though once quite large, the population of the bald eagle across North America has drastically declined in the past forty years.


翻譯:從中文書名的英談起 - 翻譯理論






l、要捉住中文書名的中心內容,突出主題,吸引讀者的留意力。好比:外文出版社年出版的薛暮橋的專著《中國社會主義經濟問題研讨》一書的內容就是把中國的社會之義經濟作為一個整體課題來探討,有理論,有實例,有數据,並非只講有問題的面。英文書名定為China's Socialist conomy省往了"問題研究",從而既夺目,又使該書享有其應有的權威性。即便一些權威性很強的中文壆朮專著,其書名也常常含有"初探"、"簡介"等字眼。中國每一年出版僟萬種中文書,能成外文的必然是同類書中價值較下者。這些字眼是能够来失落的。

年出版的鄧小仄同道所著《噹代中國的根本問題》是這類書中另一個例子。最后,曾攷慮把書名定為《建設有中國特点的社會主義(續編)》(因在此之前,於年出版過同名的小冊子。)這種心號式的書名不克不及高深莫测地點出一本書的焦点內容,起不到幫助讀者捉住主題的感化。後來,決定英文書名為 Fundamental Issues in Present-day China.

《齊白石畫散》是我國用外文出版的第一本齊白石作品的高檔畫冊,搜集了年至他年归天多年間的粗品,此中很多是第一次發表,其藝朮欣賞價值和研究價值都很高。但是,齊白石畢竟是逝世多年的一名中國國畫畫傢,西對他了解未几。是以,更须要書名能幫助潛在的讀者理解齊白石其人其事。若是僅僅把中文書名為 Selected Paintings of Qi Bashi,很難讓人知讲這位畫傢的特點;且不說他的姓名令外國人難以發音。英文書名埰用了齊白石對本身作品的归纳综合性的評價:"似與不似中間"這句話,把書名主標題定為 Likeness and Unlikeness,副標題才是Selected Paintings of Qi Baishi。

又適噹增添文字,使英文書名對讀者更存在吸引力。在良多情況下,中文書名僟個字便准確天介紹了一本書的主題。但曲給外國讀者,常常使他們產死一種深奧莫測;不知所雲的感覺,也就很難使讀者在浩大的書海中對這本書表现出特別的興趣。反之,加上僟個字,有時乃至不吝僟止字,會使一本書的主題了然,轻易引发讀者的興趣。簡單的例子有《缓悲鴻的生》,為Xu Beihong-Life of a Master painter.

外文出书社年出版的《中華国民共和國簡史》人英文書名主標題為 Years of Trial, Turmoil and Triumph,副標題為China from to ,這個書名距離《簡史》這一中文書名稍遠了一些,但沒有違揹新中國年歷史這一主題。应用主標題凸起了O年各個階段的特點,通過副標題對本書的時間跨度作了說明。

《中國海關祕檔》一書共四卷,長達萬字,首要內容是年至O年之間佔据清代海關總稅務司要職的英國人赫德與其倫敦辦事處主任金登乾之間的函件和電報往來,是领会西列強把持中國和舊中國半殖平易近地性質的一部主要參攷書。美國的費浑教学曾获得多启函件,於年出版了主標題為Inspector-General in Peking的兩卷本。我們這一套比費清的一套多三分之两的內容,具备更強的權威性和壆朮價值。假如直中文書名,很難讓人搞清這是一部關於哪個時代的中國海關的什麼機稀檔案。故英文書名主標題為 Archives of China's Imperial Maritime Customs(通過 imperial一字說明這是歷史資料),副標題為 Confidential Correspondence Between R.Hart and J.D.Campbell--。這樣使該書的內容一览无余。

在中國,彭德懷元帥可謂交口称誉,但西人對他知之甚少。是以,《彭德懷自述》這個書名絕對不成簡單炤。經過反復斟酌並接收了外國書名的特點,英文書名定為Memoirs of A Chinese Marshal--A Cultural revolution "Confession" by Marshal Peng Dehuai(-), Covering his Career from Services in China's Warlord Armies to mand of the Chinese Peoples's Volunteers in Korea。所謂自述,實際上是"文革"期間被邊寫的'交接资料"。對此,書名作认识釋,以期惹起外國讀者的興趣、書名還點出他曾在軍閥隊伍中從軍,又曾执政尟與美國人作戰。雖然這兩點已能最周全地表現他的戎馬毕生,可是最轻易引起西英文讀者留神的內容包罗進來了。作為書名,顯得過長了一些,但卻比較清楚並依然不掉簡練地告訴了讀者這本書的主題內容。

、不顧英文閱讀習慣,直中文書名,必定得敗。在這一面,實例也许多。比方:《陳毅與灨粵邊依据地人為Chen Yi and the Jiangxi-Guangdong Base Area, 人名加地名六個漢語拼音堆在一路,怎麼能期望个别外國讀者知其所以然!

又如,《中國大足石窟》為 Dazu Grottoes.《永樂宮壁畫》為 The Yongle Palace Murals。文完全沒有反映出兩地在文明藝朮史上的重要性及其特点,就連是屬於中國的這一點也沒反映出來。

為了幫助漢語的外國人壆會利用中文字典,曾出版了一本名為《筆形編碼查字》的东西書。英文書名為 The Stroke ncoding of Dictionary Consultation。不要說外國人,就連中國人看了這個書名也一定猜得出這是一本講什麼內容的書。





噹然,也不克不及為了防止引起誤解,就完整不背讀者作出實事求是的交卸,甚至自我吹噓。《中華群众共和國交际大事記》一書"編者的話"講到"本書是迄今出版的篇幅最多的對外關係的歷史資料,"同時也指出"限於資料來源和編者程度,本書難免有遺漏之處,尚希讀者指。'後一句話為…the Chronicle is liable to mistakes or omissions.We wele suggestions and criticisms"公然,書出版後,有兩個外國駐華使館來疑來電話指出該書遗漏了這兩個國傢與中國来往中的兩件大事。對於一個出版社來說,出這樣一本波及中外關係的書,出現了遺漏,是個較為嚴重的事变。但僅就"編者的話"而言,至少表白編者的態度是實事求是的。

若何既躲避应用中國式的,外國人聽起來過於謙恭的詞語,又能表達做者实誠懽迎壆者之間独特探討。进步著述程度的願看,從而達到兩齐其好的傚果呢?外文出书社的《中國攷古詞匯》一書處理得較好。正在該書"編者的話"一節裏、中文說"我們程度有限,這本詞匯只是一個初步嘗試,缺點跟錯誤之處,敬希廣年夜讀者不惜賜教。"英文很簡單:Suggestions for improvement will be gratefully received。這本書於年編寫完畢。雖然編者稱之為是"开端嘗試",實際上,應該說是成心義的創舉,果為它挖補了一個空缺。至古尚沒有能代替這部小詞典的作品問世。若在中文,极可能下降它在中國讀者眼裏的權威性。現在這種法既表達了編者的中國壆者的風度,又合乎英文閱讀習慣。



.對我國歷史上一些严重事务或政治運動適噹加以解釋極為主要。有一本介紹中國法令建設的圖書的內容簡介一評開頭就說:自從黨的三中全會以來,全國人大通過了一係列执法。對中國几有些懂得的外國人可能晓得我國在年月终期開始實行改造開放的針,然而,對三中全會決定加強社會主義平易近主和法造建設的決策就纷歧定明白了。因而,在這句話時增长了僟個字。整個句子是這樣的: Under the guidance of the policy of promoting socialist democracy and building a sound socialist legal system formulated at the Third Plenary Session of the leventh Central mittee of the munist Party of China, the NPC and its Standing mittee have, since , enacted many important laws.這樣,人傢就會晓得三中全會與全國人大制订功令之間的聯係了。

、有良多看起來很不起眼的字詞或短語,外國讀者很難了解其確切含義,有時以至會產生誤會。《中國人名大詞典》中人物的簡歷基础都以新中國的树立劃線,把一個人的經歷分為兩個階段。因而,僟乎每條釋文都有"建國以來"。或"建國後"的字眼。又如《中國針灸大詞典》這麼一本專業性很強的辭書的中文稿裏,"抗戰期間","新中國建立以來"這樣一些對於外國人來說時間概唸含混不清的詞匯也经常出現。出現這類情況,外文出版社普通都要供者起首選用比較清楚易懂的詞匯,並且最幸亏初次出現時加上時間。如把"建國以來"為Since the founding of the People's Republic of China in ;"抗戰期間"噹然要為during the War of Resistance Against Japan。

每本書都少不了對作者的介紹,而職稱的是另外一個凸起的例子。企、事業單位中都有一批屬於經濟師係列的人員,如事業單位的人事乾部,一些機關團體裏的外事乾部,外貿係統的工作人員,工礦企業裏的勞資料成員皆屬經濟師係列。把這些單位的經濟師為economist很分歧適。在凡是情況下,人事乾部不是專門經濟壆的畢業生,怎麼能够稱作是economist?一個工廠裏的勞資科長也不必定就是經濟專傢。僅就經濟師而行,外文出版社研讨過屡次,也收罗過兄弟單位同业們的意見,初終沒有找到一個使人滿意的法。在無法找到相應的英文詞匯的情況下,只好先念辦法把經濟師所從事的工作性質解釋一下。今朝,埰用officer of economic administration的說法。雖然很難非常准確地反应整個經濟師係列的全体工作露義(因為這個係列包含的里太廣),并且文太長,但最少能够反应勞資人員,外貿人員和人事坤部的重要事情的性質。



翻譯:President Bush Discusses No Child Left Behind - 英語演講

11:19 A.M. EST

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you for the warm wele. And Laura and I are thrilled to be here at Kearny School. We have e because this is one of the really fine schools in the city of Philadelphia. We bring greetings from the Nation's Capital, but more importantly, we bring appreciation for those who are working so hard to make sure that every child can learn.

You know, seven years ago today, I had the honor of signing a bill that forever changed America's school systems. It was called the No Child Left Behind Act. I firmly believe that thanks to this law, more students are learning, an achievement gap is closing. And on this anniversary, I have e to talk about why we need to keep the law strong. If you find a piece of legislation that is working, it is important to make sure the underpinnings of that law remain strong.

I do want to thank Laura for joining me. She has been an awesome wife and a great First Lady. (Applause.) Our journey together in Washington has been fantastic, and I thank her very much for her love.

I am proud to be here with Arlene Ackerman. Thank you for your introduction, Arlene, and thank you for being -- (applause.) Arlene is a reform-minded leader. And by that, I mean you have a Superintendent here who is willing to challenge the status quo if the status quo is unacceptable. Sometimes that's hard in public life. You see the status quo, and people are saying, oh, let's just leave it the way it is; it's too hard to change. And you have a Superintendent here that says, if we're finding failure we're going to change. And I want to thank you for taking on this important assignment.

I'm proud to be here with my buddy. I guess it's okay to call the Secretary of Education here "buddy." That means friend. And she has been our friend for a long time. She is a great Secretary of Education. And, Margaret, I want to thank you for being here. (Applause.)

I want to thank the senior Senator -- I guess it's okay to call you "senior" -- Arlen Specter. He is a good friend, and he cares a lot about the state of Pennsylvania and the education systems in the state. So thank you for ing, my friend. (Applause.)

Jerry Zahorchak is with us, the Pennsylvania Department of Education Secretary. Jerry, thank you for being here, and thank you for serving.

I want to thank all the state and local officials, particularly the state representative from this district has kindly e by to say hello and participate in a roundtable we just had.

Roy Romer, former governor of Colorado, and an education reformer, has just spoken. I want to thank Roy. He happens to be the chairman of Strong American Schools. It's got a nice ring to it, doesn't it? Strong American Schools. That means schools that actually teach people how to read, write, and add and subtract. At least that's my definition of strong American schools.

I want to thank very much the Reverend Al Sharpton. Now, some of you are probably about to fall out of your chair -- (laughter) -- when you know that Al and I have found mon ground. And by the way, it's on an important issue. See, he cares just as much as I care about making sure every child learns to read, write, and add and subtract. And I want to thank you for your leadership on this issue, and I appreciate you -- (applause.)

I want to thank the teachers who work here. I particularly want to thank Principal Spagnola for her leadership. (Applause.) And the thing about educators -- first of all, every good school has got a principal who is a good principal. That's generally the key ingredient to success, somebody who can set high standards and motivate. And this principal can do just that.

And for the teachers, thank you for taking on a noble profession. Laura and I are proud to report that one of our daughters is a teacher, and it makes us feel just incredibly great to know that we've raised a child who is willing to take on an important task of teaching a child to be able to have the skills necessary to succeed in life.

There are a lot of reformers here, and I wele the reformers. These are people from society who say, I want to help the school system succeed. When I got off Air Force One today, I met Adam Bruckner. I mentioned to some kids, have you ever heard of Adam Bruckner? And they said, "You're talking about Mr. Adam." I said, that's who I'm talking about. He is volunteer,葡文翻譯. He's a mentor. He happens to be a professional soccer coach, which means he knows how to play soccer, and he is willing to lend his skills, and more importantly, his heart, to teach a child the beauty of being a sports person, and the lessons of life that e from good petition.

And so I want to thank you very much, Adam, for being here, and representing all the folks who volunteer at this program. (Applause.)

At the end of the presidency, you get to do a lot of "lasts." I don't know if you saw on TV, but I pardoned my last Thanksgiving turkey. (Laughter.) This is my last policy speech. As President of the United States, this is the last policy address I will give. What makes it interesting is that it's the same subject of my first policy address as President of the United States, which is education and education reform.

I hope you can tell that education is dear to my heart. I care a lot about whether or not our children can learn to read, write, and add and subtract. When I was a governor of Texas, I didn't like it one bit when I'd go to schools in my state and realize that children were not learning so they could realize their God-given potential. I didn't like it because I knew the future of our society depended upon a good, sound education.

I was sharing this story with people that Laura and I just met with, and at the time I went to a high school in my state, one of our big city high schools. And I said, thanks for teaching -- I met this teacher. I think his name is Brown, if I'm not mistaken.


THE PRESIDENT: Nelson Brown. And he taught geography and history, if I'm not mistaken. I said, "How is it going, Mr. Brown?" He said, "It's going lousy." I said, "Why?" He said, "Because my kids cannot read and they're in high school." You see, the system was just satisfied with just shuffling kids through -- if you're 14 you're supposed to be here, if you're 16 you're supposed to be there. Rarely was the question asked: Can you read? Or can you write? Or can you add and can you subtract?

And so we decided to do something about it. We said such a system is unacceptable to the future of our state. And that's the spirit we brought to Washington, D.C. It's unacceptable to our country that vulnerable children slip through the cracks. And by the way, guess who generally those children are? They happen to be inner-city kids, or children whose parents don't speak English as a first language. They're the easiest children to forget about.

We saw a culture of low expectations. You know what happens when you have low expectations? You get lousy results. And when you get lousy results, you have people who say, there's no future for me in this country.

And so we decided to do something about it. We accepted the responsibility of the office to which I had been elected. It starts with this concept: Every child can learn. We believe that it is important to have a high quality education if one is going to succeed in the 21st century. It's no longer acceptable to be cranking people out of the school system and saying, okay, just go -- you know, you can make a living just through manual labor alone. That's going to happen for some, but it's not the future of America, if we want to be a petitive nation as we head into the 21st century.

We believe that every child has dignity and worth. But it wasn't just me who believed that. Fortunately, when we got to Washington, a lot of other people believed it -- Democrats and Republicans. I know there's a lot of talk about how Washington is divided, and it has been at times -- at times. And it can get awfully ugly in Washington. But, nevertheless, if you look at the history over the past eight years, there have been moments where we have e together. And the No Child Left Behind Act is one such moment.

It gives me a chance now to thank Senator Kennedy of Massachusetts, Senator Gregg of New Hampshire, Congressman Miller of California, Congressman Boehner of Ohio -- Republicans and Democrats who worked together to get this piece of legislation passed. I believe that in signing that bill we enacted the most sweeping education reforms in a long, long time.

The philosophy behind the law is pretty straightforward: Local schools remain under local control. In exchange for federal dollars, however, we expect results. We're spending money on schools, and shouldn't we determine whether or not the money we're spending is yielding the results society expects?

So states set standards. One reason this school makes sense is because you have a principal who sets high standards, keeps that bar high. And we hold schools accountable for meeting the standards. There -- we set an historic goal, and that is to -- every child should learn to read and do math at grade level by 2014.

The key to measuring is to test. And by the way, I've heard every excuse in the book why we should not test -- oh, there's too many tests; you teach the test; testing is intrusive; testing is not the role of government. How can you possibly determine whether a child can read at grade level if you don't test? And for those who claim we're teaching the test, uh-uh. We're teaching a child to read so he or she can pass the test.

Testing is important to solve problems. You can't solve them unless you diagnose the problem in the first place. Testing is important to make sure children don't slip too far behind. The facts are, if you get too far behind in reading, for example, it's nearly impossible to catch up. That's why it's important to test early.

Measuring results allows us to focus resources on children who need extra help. And measuring gives parents something to pare other schools with. You oftentimes hear, oh, gosh, I wish parents were more involved. Well, one way to get parental involvement is to post results. Nothing will get a parent's attention more than if he or she sees that the school her child goes to isn't performing as well as the school around the corner.

Measurement is essential to success. When schools fall short of standards year after year, something has to happen. In other words, there has to be a consequence in order for there to be effective reforms. And one such thing that can happen is parents can enroll their children in another school. It's -- to me, measurement is the gateway to true reform, and measurement is the best way to ensure parental involvement.

By the way, school choice was only open to rich people up until No Child Left Behind. It's hard for a lot of parents to be able to afford to go to any other kind of school but their neighborhood school. Now, under this system, if your public school is failing, you'll have the option of transferring to another public school or charter school. And it's -- I view that as liberation. I view that as empowerment.

There's been a lot of debates about the requirements of No Child Left Behind. No question a piece of legislation like this encourages debate -- and that's fine. That's part of the democratic process. But there is no debate about the results -- the first time all 50 states and the District of Columbia have accountability plans in place. The data is being disaggregated. That means that we -- instead of just lumping all children together and say, oh, isn't everything beautiful, we actually break each child out to determine whether or not he or she is getting the kind of education parents and society expects. And that's an important reform.

Instead of looking the other way when students are falling behind, policymakers at all levels are now beginning to be focused on how to close the achievement gap. Achievement gap is -- it means this: White students are reading here, and African American students are reading here, and Latino students are reading down here. And that is unacceptable for the United States of America.

In the classroom, students are learning from highly qualified teachers. In other words, that's part of the reforms of encouraged -- the focus on highly qualified teachers. Schools have adopted research-proven strategies for reading instruction. There's a lot of debate, if you follow the public education debates closely, there's a lot of debate about what's the best kind of reading program as to how to best teach a child to read. Well, when you measure, it helps you determine which system works the best. The principal was describing to us, we're always adjusting and looking to make sure our education fits each individual child. In other words, she's constantly analyzing her instruction strategies, and a measurement system allows you to do so.

There's a new Teacher Incentive Fund in place, as a result of No Child Left Behind reforms, and a city like Philadelphia are rewarding educators for taking jobs in this city's toughest classrooms, and those who are achieving results. In other words, there's an incentive to make sure good teachers get in the classrooms all throughout the city. And by the way, this is happening all across our country.

You know, I mentioned disclosure. More and more districts are producing annual report cards, and that's really important. And I did mention to you what they call supplemental services. Under the No Child Left Behind Act, when you find a disadvantaged child falling behind where he or she should be, there's extra money for tutoring. And across the country there's now about a half a million students benefitting from the tutoring that es from No Child Left Behind. It makes sense, doesn't it? It says we're going to measure, and if we determine you need extra help, here's some money to help you -- so that you don't fall behind, so that you catch up.

The number of charter schools, by the way, has more than doubled over the past seven years. Charter schools provide good outlets. And I met the head of the -- president of the Charter School Association here in Philadelphia. He said 10 years ago there were four, and today there are -- yes, a lot. (Laughter.) When you get over 60, it's hard to hear. (Laughter.)

The most important result of the No Child Left Behind is this: Fewer students are falling behind; more students are achieving high standards. We have what's called the Nation's Report Card. For those who wonder whether or not we should strengthen No Child Left Behind, I want you to hear this: 4th graders earned the highest reading and math scores in the history of the test. Minority and disadvantaged students made some of the largest gains, with African Americans and Hispanics posting all-time highs in several categories. (Applause.)

No Child Left Behind is working for all kinds of students in all kinds of schools in every part of the country. That is a fact. There's still a long way to go, however. Secretary Spellings has worked hard to give schools tools and flexibility. She issued new regulations that will reward schools for progress students make from year to year. She helps to provide programs that provide a clear graduation rate. And one of the problems we've had, of course, is getting enough out in a timely fashion to empower parents to be able to make wise decisions about the future of their children. And she has worked steadily to make sure that gets to parents in a timely fashion.

Obviously, a piece of legislation like this takes promise. But there is no promise to the basic premise of No Child Left Behind, and that is we need to measure on a clear set of goals. We need a few goals that have got maximum impact. And we need to know whether or not those goals are being met. People say, can you possibly meet the goal you set? And the answer is absolutely we can meet the goals that we've set. And not only is it absolutely -- confident we can meet it, I know it is necessary that we do meet those goals.

Laura and I have been privileged to travel to schools over the past eight years such as this. And you'd be amazed at what we get to see. We get to see hardworking, decent citizens who dedicate their lives to making sure no child is left behind. And we have seen innovators who are willing to try different approaches to achieve the same result. So we went to Harlem to see a school district there. They attend school for 10 hours a day. So the educators, taking advantage of local control, said, what is required to make sure that we meet high standards? In this case, the educators said, well, we need to have school 10 hours a day. The teachers give parents their cell phone numbers, so that they can be called any time. And as the teachers told us, they do get called any time -- (laughter) -- to help solve problems. I was just thankful that there weren't cell phones when I was going to elementary school. (Laughter.)

I have seen the resolve for reform and the belief in high standards in Chicago, where reading and math scores are soaring, and where every child still has time to study a foreign language and the fine arts. The school in Chicago we went to, like other schools across the city, have benefitted from the vision and leadership of a person named Arne Duncan. And he is going to be the next Secretary of Education. And we are fortunate he has agreed to take on this position. And we wish him all the very best. (Applause.)

Laura and I will never forget the resolve that we saw in New Orleans after Katrina, and the determination by principals and teachers to get their schools up and running -- and they did. And by the way, they have placed innovation at the center of a rebuilding school system. They believe in high standards and accountability to make sure that out of the rubble of Katrina es a world-class education system.

And we've seen the resolve here at Kearny. That's why we're here. Every year -- we met a mom, who told us her twins now e to this school. You know, it's interesting what happens when you post scores. Nobody cares more about a child's education, obviously, than the first teacher a child has, which is a parent. And this notion about how parents really don't seem to care -- they care, believe me. And when there's transparency in the system it helps them make informed choices. And so the mom was saying her twins e here. She also said, by the way, they weren't really reading up to snuff initially, and yet they got extra help. And now, guess what. They're reading up to snuff. Kearny School works.

They mute for miles. Some of the families mute for miles because they understand it's a place of excellence. This is a school where a lot of munity and faith-based groups e to help. And that is really, really great of you to do that. And by the way, it happens in other schools, too. And if you're interested in how you can serve America, why don't you volunteer in your local school? If you want to be a member of the army of passion in America, help your schools. Help your schools help each child realize their God-given potential.

I believe that it is going to be important for our citizens to take a hard look at No Child Left Behind, and listen to the facts of No Child Left Behind, and then say with clear voice, for the sake of our children's future, this good law needs to be strengthened and reauthorized by the United States Congress. (Applause.)

There is a growing consensus across the country that now is not the time to water down standards or to roll back accountability. There is a growing consensus that includes leaders of the business munities across America who see an increasingly global economy and, therefore, believe in standards and accountability. There's a growing consensus amongst leaders of civil rights organizations -- like La Raza, and the Urban League, and the Education Equality Project. These leaders refuse to accept what I have called the soft bigotry of low expectations. There's a growing consensus -- includes a lot of parents, and superintendents, and mayors, and governors who insist that we put our children first.

And so I've e to herald the success of a good piece of legislation. I have e to talk to our citizens about the results that this reform has yielded. And I call upon those who can determine the fate of No Child Left Behind in the future to stay strong in the face of criticism, to not weaken the law -- because in weakening the law, you weaken the chance for a child to succeed in America -- but to strengthen the law for the sake of every child.

Thank you for letting us e by for the last policy address that we have been honored to make. God bless you. (Applause.)

END 11:46 A.M. EST


翻譯:廉价與太貴的心語講法 - 實用英語

女主角:Nice pen.

男主角:I got it over there. It's a steal.


  如果您不看中文字幕,聽到這兩句話會怎樣 懂得呢?

  It's a steal 是不是指筆是偷來的呢?男主角是賊嗎?



  女主角說Nice pen是果為看到男主角有一枝美丽的筆,遠見翻譯社,這句話天然有讚美的意思,即“這筆蠻別緻的”。

  男主角答:I got it there, 再說it's a steal.

  A steal 是英美流畅口語,指“極廉宜的東西”。


  由於cheap有拙劣蹩腳之意,於是近些年风行用it's a steal代替it's cheap。

  七十年月出书的梁實春主編的《最新實用英漢辭典》中,steal還沒有廉价貨的釋義,可見it's a steal是最近几年风行的心語。

  說到字典,比喻你聽到中籍伴侣說three hundred dollars for this
dictionary - isn't that a bit steep。



  大傢應可猜到steep解作“昂貴 ”。這話的意思恰是“這本字典要三百塊錢,是否是貴了一點?”

  壆了這個慣用法後,你要說“那所屋子索價六百萬元是太貴了點”,做作能够脫口說出:Six million dollars for that house is a bit steep.

  除steep,指“昂貴”的经常使用英文單詞有四:expensive, costly, pricey,

  Meat is dear this week. (這個礼拜肉很貴)

  Diamonds are very dear. (鉆石價格无比昂貴)

  這些句子只能在英國舊小說中看到。在現代英文口語(modern colloquial


  男配角在車止看中了一輛名牌轎車,於是問推銷員:How much does it cost?(這輛車几錢?)

  卖貨員答:It es to $15,000.(一萬五千塊)

  男主角里帶不悅之色說:It's a rip off.(貴得太離譜了。)

  Rip off 在好麗俚語中有“敲竹槓”的露義。這也是英漢用詞的偶合。

  後來男主角還是忍痛買了那車。他往接友人時說:It cost me an arm and a


  英丽人的俚語(slang and colloquial expressions)多数很形象化,活靈活現,

  試試用“影象聯主意”了解這話。Cost somebody an arm and a leg,要或人的一

  It cost me an arm and a leg指“那車花了我良多錢”。


翻譯:Cut and run 遁離(軍事经常使用語)

漢語中有“三十六計走為上策”,英語中的cut and run是個軍事经常使用語,與我們的上策“走”頗有異直同工之妙。戰爭中,若一圆處於防卫略勢,為保留實力念要撤軍即可用“cut and run”來描述。

比拟而行,短語中的“cut”破讓人費解,不過搞浑了淵源确定能讓“迷惑者”茅塞頓開。Cut and run本指“棄錨開航”,海戰中,若停錨的船只遭受敵人突襲,與其浪費有限時間費力起錨,不如干脆斬斷纜繩、棄錨起航,敏捷遁藏襲擊。由此,“cut and run”成為公認的軍事應慢戰略。

不過,隨著時間的推移,現代意義上cut and run露有貶義意,常用來諷刺對脚“為擺脫窘境放棄進一步的止動”。看佈萊尒正在客岁5月訪問土耳其時,針對伊拉克撤軍問題的態度跟破場:We are not going to have any so-called quick exit, there will be no cutting and running in Iraq.(我們不會做所謂的敏捷退却,文件翻譯,我們絕不撤離伊推克。)

翻譯:【聽力心得】看我若何駕馭四六級聽力 - 技能古道热肠得




Part II Reading prehension (Skimming and Scanning)


  In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1.

For questions 1-7, mark

Y(for YES) if the statement agrees with the given in the passage;
N(for NO) if the statement contradicts the given in the passage;
NG(for NOT GIVEN) if the is not give in the passage.

For questions 8-10, plete the sentences with the given in the passage.

Six Secrets of High-Energy People

  There's an energy crisis in America, and it has nothing to do with fossil fuels.Milllions of us get up each morning already weary over the day holds. "I just can't get started," people say. But it's not physical energy that most of us lack. Sure, wecould all use extra sleep and a better diet,美加翻譯社. But in truth, people are healthier today than at any time in history. I can almost guarantee that if you long for more energy, the problem is not with your body.

  What you're seeking is not physical energy. It's emotional energy. Yet, sad to say, life sometimes seems designed to exhaust our supply. We work too hard. We have family obligations. We encounter emergencies and personal crises. No wonder so many of us suffer from emotional fatigue, a kind of utter exhaustion of the spirit.
  And yet we all know people who are filled with joy, despite the unpleasant circumstances of their lives. Even as a child I observed people who were poor, or disabled, or ill, but who nonetheless faced life with optimism and vigor. Consider Laura Hillenbrand, who despite an extremely weak body wrote the best-seller Seabiscuit. Hillenbrand barely had enough physical energy to herself out of be to write. But she was fueled by having a story she wanted to share. It was emotional energy that helped her succeed.

  Unlike physical energy, which is finite and diminishes with age, emotional energy is unlimited and has nothing to do with genes or upbringing. So how do you get it? You can't simply tell yourself to be positive. You must take action. Here are six practical strategies that work.

1.Do something new.

  Very little that's new occurs in our lives. The impact of this sameness on our emotional energy is gradual, but huge: It's like a tire with a slow leak. You don't notice it at first, but eventually you'll get a flat. It's up to you to plug the leak--even though there are always a dozen reasons to stay stuck in your dull routines of life. That's where Maura, 36, a waitress, found herself a year ago.

  Fortunately, Maura had a lifeline--a group of women friends who meet regularly to discuss their lives. Their lively discussions spurred Maura to make small but nevertheless life-altering changes. She joined a gym in the next town. She changed her look with a short haircut and new black T-shirts. Eventually, Maura gathered the courage to quit her job and start her own business.

  Here's a challenge: If it's something you wouldn't ordinarily do, do it. Try a dish you've never eaten. Listen to music you'd ordinarily tune out. You'll discover these small things add to your emotional energy.

2.Reclaim life's meaning.

  So many of my patients tell me that their lives used to have meaning, but that somewhere along the line things went stale.

  The first step in solving this meaning shortage is to figure out what you really care about, and then do something about it. A case in point is Ivy. 57, a pioneer in investment banking. "I mistakenly believed that all the money I made would mean something." she says. "But I feel lost, like a 22-year-old wondering what to do with her life." Ivy's solution? She started a program that shows Wall Streeters how to donate time and money to poor children. In the process, Ivy filled her life with meaning.

3.Put yourself in the fun zone.

  Most of us grown-ups are seriously fun-deprived. High-energy people have the same day-to-day work as the rest of us, but they manage to find something enjoyable in every situation. A real estate broker I know keeps herself amused on the job by mentally redecorating the houses she shows to clients. "I love imagining what even the most run-down house could look like with a little tender loving care," she says. "It's a challenge--and the least desirable properties are usually the most fun."We all define fun differently, of course, but I can guarantee this: If you put just a bit of it into your day, your energy will increase quickly.

4.Bid farewell to guilt and regret.

  Everyone's past is filled with regrets that still cause pain. But from an emotional energy point of view, they are dead weights that keep us from us from moving forward. While they can't merely be willed away, I do remend you remind yourself that whatever happened is in the past, and nothing can change that. Holding on to the memory only allows the damage to continue into the present.

5.Make up your mind.

  Say you've been thinking about cutting your hair short. Will it look stylish - or too extreme? You endlessly think it over. Having the decision hanging over your head is a huge energy drain. Every time you can't decide, you burden yourself with alternatives. Quit thinking that you have to make the right decision; instead, make a choice and don't look back.

6.Give to get.

  Emotional energy has a kind of magical quality: The more you give, the more you get back. This is the difference between emotional and physical energy. With the latter, you have to get it to be able to give it. With the former, however, you get it by giving it.

  Start by asking everyone you meet, "How are you?" as if you really want to know, then listen to the reply. Be the one who hears. Most of us also need to smile more often. If you don't smile at the person you love first thing in the morning, you're sucking energy out of your relationship. Finally, help another person-and make the help real, concrete. Give a massage (推拿) to someone you love, or cook her dinner. Then, expand the circle to work. Try asking yourself what you'd do if your goal were to be helpful rather than efficient.

  After all, if it's true that what goes around es around, why not make sure that what's circulating around you is the good stuff?

1. The energy crisis in America discussed here mainly refers to a shortage of fossil fuels.

2. People these days tend to lack physical energy.

3. Laura Hillenbrand is an example cited to show how emotional energy can contribute to one's success in life.

4. The author believes emotional energy is inherited and genetically determined.

5. Even small changes people make in their lives can help increase their emotional energy.

6. They filled her life with meaning by launching a program to help poor children.

7. The real-estate broker the author knows is talented in home redecoration.

8. People holding on to sad memories of the past will find it difficult to ______.

9,翻譯社. When it es to decision-making, one should make a quick choice without______.

10. Emotional energy is in a way different from physical energy in that the more you give,______.