

  Eugene Salvino, 57, fills out a job application at a job fair in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on August 4, 2009. Salvino’s job of 37 years was eliminated a year and a half ago and he’s been unable to find a position.(Agencies)
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  The worst US economic recession in 70 years is forcing senior citizens out of retirement, leaving them fighting for jobs in a weak labor market or risking homelessness, according to a private study.
  The study by Experience Works, released on Tuesday, showed 46 percent of the 2,000 low income people over 55 years who participated needed to find work to keep their homes. Nearly half of them had been searching for work for more than a year.
  Experience Works is the nation’s largest nonprofit provider of community service, training and employment opportunities for older workers. The study was conducted in the past two months and covered 30 states and Puerto Rico.
  "These people are at the age where they understandably thought their job-searching years were behind them," said Cynthia Metzler, president and CEO of Experience Works.
  "But here they are, many in their 60s, 70s and beyond, desperate to find work so they can keep a roof over their heads and food on the table."
  According to the study, many of the participants had no intention of working past their 60th birthday, but had to change plans after being laid off or following the death of a spouse. Over a third of the participants had retired.
  Ninety percent of respondents 76 years and older planned to continue working for the next five years.
  Huge medical bills due to a personal illness or that of a spouse were also reasons for coming out of retirement, the survey found. The longest and deepest economic slump since the 1930s is making finding a job for the low-income elderly workers a difficult challenge.
  According to Labor Department data, there were 2 million unemployed workers over the age of 55 in August, an increase of 69 percent from the same period last year. Between August 2008 and August this year, the number of unemployed workers 75 years and older increased by 33 percent.
  The unemployment rate among workers 55 years and older was 6.7 percent in August after shooting to a record 7.1 percent in July. The national unemployment rate was at 9.7 percent in August, the highest in 26 years.
  The Experience Works study found that 46 percent of the elderly jobseekers were sometimes forced to choose between paying rent, buying food or medication. Almost three-quarters believed their age made it harder to compete for jobs with younger workers.
  "This study underscores the need to create policies that remove barriers to employment for older workers and provide additional programs and services specifically aimed at helping older people re-enter the work force or remain working," said Metzler.  
  這項於本周兩頒佈的調查由Experience Works機搆發展,共有2000名年齒正在55歲以上的低收入者参加。調查隱示,46%的受訪者為了保住居所須要從頭找事情,個中远一半的人已找了一年多的時光。
  Experience Works是美國最大年夜的為老年供職者供給社區傚勞、培訓戰便業機逢的非獲利性機搆。該調查在從前兩個月內展開,調查範疇籠罩美國30個州跟波多黎各。
  Experience Works的總裁兼尾席实行平易近辛蒂婭•麥茨勒讲:“那個年龄段的人們不免會觉得他們已經由了找工做的年龄。”
  Experience Works的攷察發明,46%的年長供職者有時不克不及不正在付房租、購寘食物跟支出醫療费用之間做出抉擇。遠四分之三的受訪者以為自己的年紀讓他們在找事件時很易与年轻人配合。

